The ACST Schedule consists of 18 rounds over the course of the season. Bowlers in Class A, B, C and D can complete the first 15 matches in any order, but since the last 3 rounds (16, 17 and 18) are within their division, they are asked to hold off on these until the first 15 are completed to make the end of the season a little more dramatic and tense 🙂
Bowlers who are in Class E & F can bowl all of their matches in any order.
Here’s a quick snip of upcoming matches ::

The full schedule is available in Excel format on my OneDrive :: ACST 2024-2025 Match Schedule.xlsm for viewing via this link. Posted elsewhere, League bowlers are able to get into that sheet to drop in the time & date of their matches which saves to a master list we publish regularly to try to drive attendance and streaming towards them.